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Encapsulating a proactive stance toward ethical business practices

We take great pride in our compliance work, and we recognize our responsibility to pioneer a sustainable future. Our dedication extends beyond legal requirements,encapsulating a proactive stance towards ethical business practices, transparency, and meaningful stakeholder engagements.

In our steadfast commitment to sustainability, we have integrated sustainability into our vision and our business strategy. This commitment underscores our dedication to fostering long-term, positive impacts on both the business landscape and the broader global community. We consider compliance a vital service that adds tangible value to our partners and the communities in which we operate.

Compliance Programme

Leads our way of doing business

A responsible Elof Hansson

As a global company engaged in sourcing and selling products across multiple markets worldwide, we acknowledge that we may face various risks. We apply ongoing risk management to identify ethical, human rights, and environmental risks associated with our businesses. We use various sources of information, risk indexes and tools in our risk analyses and regular assessments. Our risk management approach is based on the UN Global Compact, UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Companies, IMM, and Transparency International.

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We encourage a speak up culture

We foster a culture of transparency and accountability. We believe in the power of speaking up to address any concerns or wrongdoing.

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