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“I really look forward to the experience

Ali Amini

  • RoleSales Manager, Asia
  • OrganizationExternal
  • OfficeHo Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Ali Amini sitting in a stair

You’re moving abroad on a contract to work at the office in Vietnam. Why have you chosen to take this step?

“For a long time, I’ve wanted to try to live and work abroad, but the thought of doing it on my own has been a bit overwhelming. After the pandemic, the opportunity to work abroad for a few years arose here at Elof Hansson. It’s a good step on the career ladder for me, and I really look forward to the experience.”

What will you be doing once you’ve arrived?

“I’ll be working with paper trading, like I already do in Sweden, and visiting mills and customers in both Vietnam and neighboring countries. But the very first step is to get to know the office, the job routines and the people I’ll be working with. Thu Bui, who is responsible for Elof Hansson in Vietnam, has already made me feel welcome. I hope that we can find synergies between the offices in Sweden and Vietnam and further strengthen the collaboration. But, most importantly, we will conduct good business together.”

You’re bringing your family with you. What do they think?

“My wife is looking forward to it. She’s very open-minded and sees this as a great opportunity. Our two-year-old daughter will go to daycare, and we will be living in an expat area with our two dogs, so I’m sure we will have plenty of opportunity to socialize.”

Ali Amini sitting in a stair

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